Welcome to the NAAC Center

Theem College of Engineering is a NAAC Accredited Institute. The details about NAAC SSR, IQAC & AQAR are as follows

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Criteria No.

List of Documents.

Part A.

Extended Profile Deviations.

1.1 Number of students year-wise during the last five years.
2.1Number of teaching staff full-time teachers during the last five years (Without repeat count)
2.2 Number of teaching staff full time teachers year wise during the last five years.
3.1.1 Expenditure excluding salary component year-wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs).
3.1.2 Expenditure excluding salary component year-wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs).
3.1.3 Expenditure excluding salary component year-wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs).

Part B.

Metrics Level Deviations.

Criteria No. 01
1.2.1 (a) Attendance sheet of students participated
1.2.1 SDP project work students internships 22-23 students field work
1.2.1b Institutional programme brochure/notice for Certificate/Value added programs with course modules and outcomes.
1.4 Process of Syllabus Feedback From Stakeholders.
Criteria No. 02
2.1.1 First Year Admission List.
2.1.1_Sanctioned admission strength Vs. student’s enrolment
2.1.2 (a) List of Category students.
2.1.2 (b) Minority Status Recognition Certificate.
2.2.1 (a). Faculty list 2022-2023
2.2.1 (b). Students-Full time Teacher Ratio
2.2.1 (c). Students enrolled during Academic year 2022-23
2.4.1_Appointment letter of all full-time Teachers
2.4.2_PhD Certificates of Faculties
2.4.2_List of Faculties with highest degree (Ph.D). Final Year Result Gazette for five years.
Criteria No. 03
DVV_3.3.1.1 (a) Research_papers_list
3.1.1_Summary to papers. to journals. Report
3.5.1 List of MoUs Activities.
Criteria No. 04
4.1 (a) Income Exp
4.1.2 (b) INCOME EXP.
4.1.2 (c) Audit Report
4.3.2(a) Computer ratio
4.3.2 (b) DEADSTOCK
4.4.1 (a) INCOME EXP
4.4.1 (b) AUDIT REPORT
Criteria No. 05
5.1 (a) Year-wise list of students in each scheme attested by the competent authority
DVV_5.1.2_Attendance of Events.
DVV_5.1.2_Soft Copy of Circular and Brochure.
DVV_5.1.2 Reports of the event.
DVV_5.1.2 Photographs with Date and Caption for each scheme or event.
5.1.3 Percentage of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling.
5.1.3(b) Percentage of students benefitted.
5.1.3 (c) 5.1.3 Year-wise list of students attended these schemes, signed by competent authority.
DVV5.1.4 Notices_Web Link.
DVV5.1.4. Minutes of Meetings.
DVV 5.2.1 Copy of Year wise list of STUDENTS Placed and Higher Education Students
5.2.1(b) DVV-5.2.1 Passed out students.
5.2.1(c) DVV-5.2.1 Placement Related Documents (3).
5.2.2 List of Qulified Students.
DVV_5.3.2 Avg .no sports and culturals.final.
5.3.2 Avg number of sports and Cultural Activities.
DVV_5.3.2_list of events-final.
5.3.1. list and E- Certificate pdf DVV Clarification
Criteria No. 06
6.2.2_Audited statement of account
6.2.2_Annual e-governance report
6.3.2a_Annaul report
6.3.2b_Financial assistance to teachers
6.3.2c_Audited statement of account
6.3.3._Annual Report of Teaching and Non teaching staff
6.3.3_List of staff_attended_
6.3.3_Brochures and Certificates
6.5.2_Quality Audit_Accreditation.
Annual Report_IQAC.
Criteria No. 07 sources of energy and energy conservation measures. of the various types of degradable and non-degradable waste conservation. campus initiatives, barrier free environment.
7.1.3 _DVV Action taken report on clean and green campus.
Sr. No. Name of the File
1 3.1.1: - Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects / endowments in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs).
2 3.2.1: Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations, Indian Knowledge System (IKS),including awareness about IPR, establishment of IPR cell, Incubation center and other initiatives for the creation and transfer of knowledge/technology and the outcomes of the same are evident.
3 Total number of workshops/seminars/conferences including programs conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship year wise during last five years.
4 Number of research papers in the journals notified on the UGC care list during the last five years.
5 Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in national/ international conference proceedings year wise during the last five years.
6 Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in national/ international conference proceedings year wise during last five years.
7 3.4.1: Outcomes of Extension activities in the neighborhood community in terms of impact and sensitizing the students to social issues for their holistic development during the last five years.
8 Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with industry, community, and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC etc., year wise during the last five years.
9 3.5.1: Number of functional MoUs/linkages with institutions/ industries in India and abroad for internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborative research during the last five years.
Sr. No. Name of the File
1 6.1 The institutional Governance and leadership are in accordance with the vision and mission.
2 6.2.1 The institutional Perspective Plan is effective deployed and functioning of the institutional bodies is effective.
3 6.2.2 Institution implements e-governance in its operation.
4 6.3.1 - The Institutions Performance Appraisal System, effective welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff.
5 6.3.2 Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last 5 year
6 6.3.2: Annual Report
7 6.3.3: Annual Report
8 6.4.1 - institutional strategies for mobilization of funds and the optimal utilization of resources and conducts internal and external financial audits regularly Enumerate the various internal and external financial audits carried out during the year with the mechanism for settling audit objections within a maximum of 500 words.
9 6.4.2 Fund/Grant received from Non-government Bodies
10 6.4.3 Fund Mobilization
11 6.5.1: Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the incremental improvement in various activities.
12 6.5.2 Incremental Improvement in various activities
13 6.5.3 Quality Assurance initiatives of the Institution
14 Annual_Report_IQAC.
15 IIC_collaborative_Activities.
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