Track 1-Computer Science/Information Technology
- Cloud Computing
- Computer Networking and Security
- Database and Data Mining
- Distributed and parallel systems
- Big Data
- Block Chain Technology
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Digital India
- Grid Computing
- Recent Trends in IT
Track 2-Electrical/Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
- Image & Video Processing
- Digital Signal Processing
- VLSI & Embedded Systems
- IoT Controlled Devices
- Robotics & Automations
- Wireless Sensor & Networking
- Biomedical Engineering
- Electric drives and control
- Renewable energy
- Micro grid and smart grid
- Power quality
- Power system protection
Track 3-Mechanical/Production/Automobile Engineering
- Noise, Vibration and Harshness Control
- Commercial Vehicle Technology
- Advances in Automobile Engineering
- Pollution Control
- Manufacturing, rapid prototyping and CAE
- Agro-Farm equipment
- Optimization techniques
- Robotics and Industrial applications
Track 4-Civil Engineering
- Advances in structural engineering
- Innovative concrete and smart material
- Highway and pavement Geotechnical engineering
- Environmental engineering
- Remote sensing and GIS application
- Disaster Migration and management
Track 5-Applied Science & Humanities
- Applied Physics
- Applied Chemistry
- Applied Mathematics
- English Literature
- Library Science
Submission of Full Paper
The prospective authors are invited to submit full Paper (A4 size up to 5 pages) in the manuscript formats as per templates available here OR Submit your paper by email to:
Click Here For Template
- Manuscript must be submitted on the understanding that they have not published this paper elsewhere and is not currently under consideration by any other conference/Journal.
- All the authors should take care that the research paper should be their original work. If there is any issue of copyright and plagiarism then the author of research paper will be responsible. Before submitting your research paper kindly checks the plagiarism of research paper.
- After expert view, author may asked to submit camera ready paper in doc & pdf format(should not exceeds 20MB), copyright form, registration form and scan copy of Demand draft/Cash receipt/Invoice copy by email as well as hard copy by post.
- Faculty, student or any person from Industry & research scholar may participate in the conference.
- Paper Format: Full paper should not be more than 6 pages and should be in Microsoft word format and PDF Format strictly.
Important Dates:
Extended deadline for paper submission | 10th Dec, 2019 |
Full length paper submission | 30th Nov, 2019 |
Notification of Paper acceptance | 19th Dec, 2019 |
Camera ready paper & registration | 24th Dec, 2019 |
Display of presentation schedule | 10th Jan, 2020 |
All selected papers shall be published in International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research (IJAIR) with ISSN: 2394-7780 and Impact Factor: 7.36 or conference proceeding e-book with ISBN. Quality papers will also be referred to Scopus Index journals on extra payment basis.
Registration Fees
Category of Participants | Fees (INR) |
Students | 600 | 800 |
Academician | 1000 | 1200 |
Industry representative | 1500 |
Attendee | 400 |
Mode of Payment
1. Demand Draft:
In favor of "Theem Conference" Payable at Boisar
2. Net Banking:
Bank : IDBI, Boisar
Account Name : Theem Conference
Account Number : 0226104000321624
IFSC Code : IBKL0000226
Fee includes conference kit, conference certificate, and e-proceeding, refreshment & meals for one author. For co-authors separate registration need to be made. At least one author should register and attend the conference for acceptance of paper.