Welcome to Diploma Civil Engineering
The Civil Engineering Department aims at developing analytical and experimental skills in students to apply in various fields of Civil Engineering. Also the department consistently organizes Industrial Training and construction site visits such as Solid waste management (Enviro Vigil), Mahindra Happinest project to gain practical knowledge. The Civil Department has well qualified teaching faculties with industrial experience who are enthusiastic in imparting the quality teaching to the students.The Department also has well equipped laboratories, which also do consultancy such as concrete testing.The department allow faculties for participating various FDP's such as 'Redevelopment of Buildings and Urban Renewal', Industry Institute Interaction, ICT etc.The Department has also organised one day workshop on 'New construction techniques and their field applications' in collaboration with Ultra tech Cement.Our department also organises technical events such as Power Tower, Town planning, Bridge Mania, Paper Presentation, Quiz competition and so on, which creates skills development, mutual cooperation within the students.Our department always strive hard to make students compatible with world's one of the most growing sector i.e construction company.
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Establishing the department as a high quality human and knowledge resource centre in diverse areas of civil Engineering to meet economic & social needs of the region as well as country
M1: To prepare civil Engineers to meet the challenges of field and construction industry using local resources together with advanced technology.
M2: To provide value-based technical education and mould the character of younger generation.

Prof. Zulfiquar Ahmad Iftekhar Ahmad
HOD, Diploma Civil
Civil Engineering is a broad field of engineering which involves planning Design, construction maintenance and management of structures or public works. Civil Engineering deals with construction and maintenance of buildings, bridges, roads, railways, structures, water supply & sewer, Irrigation, power & environment.? Civil Engineering Department (Diploma) of Theem College aims at developing analytical and experimental skills in students to apply in various fields of Civil Engineering.The department also provides an opportunity for students in improving communication and presentation skills, knowledge of software like Auto CAD, and Rivet Architecture. For students the department consistently organizes Industrial Training and construction site visit such as Solid waste management (Enviro Vigil), Public buildings, Mahindra Happinest project ?to gain practical knowledge. The Civil Department has well qualified teaching faculties with industrial experience who are enthusiastic in imparting the quality teaching to the students.The Department also allow faculties for FDP on 'Redevelopment of Buildings and Urban Renewal'.The Department has also organised one day workshop on 'New construction techniques and their field applications' in collaboration with Ultra tech Cement. Our department also organises technical events such as Power Tower, Town planning, Bridge Mania, Paper Presentation, Quiz competition and so on, which creates skills development, mutual cooperation within the students. At last I would like to give best wishes to all students and promote them to participate in all co-curricular activities for their overall development.
Event Description Photos

Designation: | Asst Professor & Head |
Qualification: | M.TECH, B.E. CIVIL |
Area of Interest: | Environment |
Email: | zulfiquar.ahmad@theemcoe.org |

Designation: | Lecturer |
Qualification: | M.E (Structure), BE (CIVIL) |
Area of Interest: | Dss, Bco, Gte, Hen, Cma, Cad, Ppt |
Email: | a.naveed@gmail.org |

Designation: | Lecturer |
Qualification: | BE (CIVIL) |
Area of Interest: | Cma, Asu |
Email: | abid.ansari@theemcoe.org |

Designation: | Lecturer |
Qualification: | M.Tech, |
Area of Interest: | Environmental Engg. |
Email: | nagendraswami.hiremath@theemcoe.org |

Designation: | Lecturer |
Qualification: | B.E |
Area of Interest: | Civil Engg. |
Email: |
Non-Teaching Staff
Name of Lab Description
Fluid Mechanics lab
View Lab | The Fluid Mechanics Laboratory is used in The Department of Civil Engineering Diploma for Hydraulics related experiments such as Reynold's Apparatus used for identifying the types of fluid flow, Minor & Major losses used for estimating the loss of head for flow through pipes, Tilting flume apparatus used for understanding the most economical section of the channel, Venturimeter used for understanding the relation between the pressure and velocity of flow, Notches used for understanding importance of notch, Orifice used for understanding concept of hydraulic coefficients etc. The lab is designed to give students hands-on experience with fluid flows. |
Evironmental Engg lab
View Lab | The Environmental Engineering Laboratory in The Department of Civil Engineering Diploma provides good testing, teaching and research facilities related to Public Health Engineering experiments. The laboratory contains modern analytical instruments and facilities to carry out simple to sophisticated experiments i.e. Physicochemical and Biological parameters testing for Water and Wastewater. |
Surveying lab
View Lab | The Surveying Laboratory in the Department of Civil Engineering Diploma provides students with hands-on experience to supplement instruction in surveying courses. The Surveying Laboratory has a wide variety of modern surveying equipment, such as Total Stations, Digital Theodolites, and Automatic Levels for basic instructional and research purposes. Student use of the lab is preceded by appropriate safety training and instruction on the use and care for the equipment. |
Concrete Technology lab
View Lab | The Concrete Technology Laboratory in the Department of Civil Engineering Diploma serves a wide spectrum of activities covering those related to teaching, research, development and consultancy. The primary activities include experimental studies on different types of materials which are using in concrete and testing of concrete specimens in various exposure conditions. The Concrete technology Laboratory also offers technical services for testing and research on the structural behavior and properties of materials. |
Transportaion Engg lab
View Lab | The Transportation Engineering Laboratory in the Department of Civil Engineering Diploma is related to Highway Engineering .The goal of this lab is to develop technologies to support safe, efficient and secure transportation systems, aiming at increasing traffic efficiency, passenger safety and comfort and reducing cost and environmental impacts. It helps to support national, state, and local efforts to solve important transportation, problems. |
Geotechnical Engg lab
View Lab | The Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory in the Department of Civil Engineering Diploma having modern research facility housing a range of equipment for evaluating soil and rock properties. Soil inspection or geotechnical inspection plays vital role in understanding the physical properties of soil and the rocks beneath. This kind of Geotechnical investigation is required to assure strong and durable structure for the proposed construction work above the soil, which is achieved in our Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory. |
Strengths of Material Lab
View Lab | The Strengths of Material Laboratory in the Department of Civil Engineering Diploma is well equipped lab with testing systems for learning principles of Mechanics of Structures, observing mechanical behaviors of common engineering materials under various loading conditions. |
Geology lab
View Lab | The Geology Laboratory in the Department of Civil Engineering Diploma provides a hands-on survey of the fundamentals of physical geology. We introduce the identification and interpretation of rocks and minerals. We use topographic maps to analyze and understand a variety of dynamic systems, including rivers, groundwater, glaciers, and sea coasts, and deserts. Finally, we examine geologic time, structural geology, geologic maps, and plate tectonics. |