Welcome to Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering is a fascinating program, and one that is now indispensible in our lives.The department provides extensive computing resources for research and education.This includes more than 125 high-performance computers in the range of Linux, Windows. There is a separate departmental library with books, manuals and project reports.

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To be an academic excellence centre in producing global standard engineering graduates through effective teaching-learning environment.


M1: To provide advanced technical resources and platforms to students to take-up the challenges of digital world
M2: To transform student community into potential technocrats with ethical and moral values to build the nation
M3: To explore the student through collaborative learning process for long-term interaction with academics and industries

PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and Computer Engineering to solve complex Engineering problems
PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering problems to arrive at valid conclusions.
PO3: Design & Development of Solutions: Design and Develop System architecture, algorithm, hardware component, or Data Flow Diagram to meet desired needs with real time constraints.
PO4: Investigation of Complex Problem: Analyze algorithm, interpret data and calculate time and space complexity to arrive at valid conclusions.
PO5: Modern Tools Usage: Apply upgraded tools and techniques in modeling and design of Computer interface.
PO6: Engineer and Society: Apply the knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issue and consequent responsibilities to Computer Engineer.
PO7: Environment & Sustainability: Demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of an impact of engineering solution on environment and need for sustainable development
PO8: Ethics: Commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
PO9: Individual & Team work: Work effectively as an individual, and as a member or Team leader in different areas.
PO10: Communication: Effectively communicate, write report, design documentation and make presentations.
PO11: Project management & Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of management principles and apply them while managing projects.
PO12: Lifelong Learning: Recognize needs for and engage in learning, understanding, and applying new ideas in the context of technological change.

Programme Specific Outcomes

PSO1: Engineering Graduates will be able to apply the knowledge of mathematics, basic science and basic computing in general and in identifying, formulating and solving the real life computer engineering problems.
PSO2: Engineering Graduates will be able to accelerate innovation for industrial and social needs.

Programme Educational Objectives

1. Developing well-groomed and dynamic computer graduates with fundamental knowledge of mathematics, basic science and basic computing.
2. Imparting the knowledge of designing and developing computer applications by using modern tools and techniques.
3. Nurturing life-long learning skills to evolve technical challenges and opportunities.
4. Preparing successful professionals with awareness and commit to ethical and social responsibilities.

Prof. Mubashir Khan

HOD, Computer Department

Welcome to the Department of Computer Engineering of Theem College of Engg., Boisar, Maharashtra. It is a pleasure to head the department of Computer Engineering. The Computer Engineering Department has a team of experienced and motivated faculty members who are in the process of influencing, inspiring and motivating young minds towards achieving success. The strength of the department is highly motivated students who upgrade their technical skill as per industry requirement. Our department is committed to excellence in teaching, research and inculcating a sense of pride and confidence in our students. The objective is to empower our students with the latest technical knowledge and skills by providing them with the best teaching faculty, state of the art lab facilities and excellent research and development environment. Special attention is given to the Teaching Learning Process and several Innovative programs including Industrial Training, Independent Minor and Major Projects, Industry Visits, and Tech. Talk/ Lectures by Guest Speakers are conducted regularly. The Department provides world class infrastructure with the state of the art computer labs. The department provides computing facility for the students and faculties along with 50Mbps Internet connectivity with wireless facility, which caters to the college internet needs. The research work carried out in several areas, namely Computer Vision, Biometrics, Computer Security, Distributed Computing, Databases and Information Management, Networking and Systems, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Mining, Information Systems, Autonomous Systems, Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Analytics. Our staff members have contributed Intellectually and Professionally to the advancement of these fields with numerous publications in International/National Journals and Conferences.

  Event                             Description                                                           Photos

One Day Workshop on AIHands on Artificial Intelligence using IBM Watson (Chat Application)
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Technical Talk on Secrets and Norms of IT IndustryMr.Kunal Jadhav Brief out the Secrets and Norms of IT Industry to Third Year Computer Engineering Student
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Alumni Student InteractionMiss.Nikhat Khan Student of Third Year Computer Engineering Sharing the Short CV of Mr.Kunal Jadhav and Miss.Abha Jha with the Third Year Computer Engineering Student.
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Industry Visit 2018Students of Computer Engineering 2018 visited CDAC Pune
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Teaching Staff

Designation:Asst. Professor
Qualification:PhD, BE CSE
Area of Interest:Ai, Devops, Data Structure, Mobile Computing, Software Testing
Designation:Asst. Professor
Qualification:M.E, BE
Area of Interest:Machine Learning,
Designation:Assistant Professor
Qualification:ME (CSE) , BE (CSE)
Area of Interest:Database,data Warehousing & Mining, Operating System
Designation:Asst Professor
Area of Interest:Compiler Design, At, Software Engineering, Cloud Computing
Designation:Assistan Professor
Qualification:ME , BE
Area of Interest:Cg,dbms, Mobile Computing, Distributed Computing
Designation:Assistant Prof
Qualification:ME , BE IT
Area of Interest:Cyber Security & Networking
Designation:Assistan Professor
Qualification:ME IT, BE EXTC
Area of Interest:Iot, Deep Learning, Java, Python
Area of Interest:
Qualification:ME, BE
Area of Interest:

Non-Teaching Staff

Designation:Lab. Assistant
Designation:Lab. Assistant
Qualification:Diploma (Computer)
Designation:Lab. Attendant

  Name of the Laboratory                       Description

Hardware&networking Lab
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The main objective of the lab is to provide the students the knowledge of computer hardware, the processors, memories,motherboards, different networking cards, and other peripherals like printers, plotters and the scanners. The students are trained for the assembly,disassembly and connecting of PCs. Another important objective is to impart knowledge about the troubleshooting and finding faults in the computers and the peripherals.The lab is equipped with Intel I-3 3.10 ghz processor machines and necessary software tools.
Multimedia Lab
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The main objective of the lab is to provide the students the practical knowledge of design by having hands on practice on web technology.The lab is equipped with Intel Dual Core 3.10 ghz processor machines and necessary software tools.
Open Source Software Lab
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This lab is used for conducting practicals based Programming methodology and Internet Technology. The lab is equipped with Intel Dual Core 3.00 ghz processor machines and necessary software tools.
Data Structure & Algorithm Lab
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The lab is designed for conducting practicals based on data structures, Object Oriented Programming ,artificial intelligence and Expert System The main objective of lab is to provide practical environment to encourage the students for developing practical skills.The lab is equipped with Intel I-3 3.10 ghz processor machines and necessary software tools.
Object Oriented Analysis And Design Lab
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This lab is being used as the informal basis for the conceptual design of interactivesystems. Given recent advances in the development of object-oriented modeling languages and methodologies, it is now time to re-evaluate the role of object modeling during the process of user interface design.The lab is equipped with Intel I-3 3.10 ghz processor machines and necessary software tools.
Os Lab
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The lab is designed for conducting practical,s based on Operating system. The main objective of lab is to provide practical environment to encourage the students for developing practical skills
Programming Lab
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The lab is designed for conducting practical,s based on Java Programming data structures, Object Oriented Programming The main objective of lab is to provide practical environment to encourage the students for developing practical skills

Notice Board

Sem 3Applied Mathematics IIIUnderstand complex variable theory, application of harmonic conjugate to get orthogonal trajectories and analytic function. Plot the image of the curve by a complex transformation from z-plane to w-plane. Expand the periodic function by using Fourier series and complex form of Fourier series lema?s Understand the concept of Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform of various functions and its application to solve ordinary differential equations. Apply the concept of Z- transformation and its inverse of the given sequence. Apply the concept of Correlation and Regression to the engineering problems.
Object Oriented Programming MethodolgyUnderstand features and concepts of object oriented programming. Solve various computational problems using constructs such as if-else. Understand the concepts of classes and objects in detail. Understand the importance of interfaces and classes. Understand the use of multithreading,packages,lists and wrapper classes. Handle exceptions and program applets.
Data StructuresStudy different data structures. Implement different operations on stack and queue. Implement different operations on Link list. Implement different operations on trees. Handle different traversal techniques using graph. Select appropriate sorting techniques for a given problem. Select appropriate searching techniques for a given problem.
Digital Logic Design and AnalysisUnderstand different number systems and their conversions Analyze and minimize Boolean expressions. Design and analyze combinational circuits. Design and analyze sequential circuits understand the basic concepts of VHDL. study basics of TTL and CMOS Logic families.
Discrete Structures reason logically. understand use of functions, graphs and trees in programming applications. understand use of groups and codes in Encoding-Decoding.. express recursive functions of other subjects like Data Structures as recurrence relation.
Electronic Circuits and Communication Fundamentalsunderstand the use of semiconductor devices in circuits and modify it as per requirement understand the significance of power amplifiers in day to day applications along with the importance of oscillators. understand the basic concepts of operational amplifier along with its application. understand the fundamentals of electronic communication and its application. apply knowledge of electronic devices and circuits to communication applications. study basic concepts of information theory.
Sem 4Applied Mathematics IV
Analysis of Algorithmscalculate time complexity and space complexity of an algorithm analyze different divide and conquer problems analyze different greedy method problems. analyze different dynamic programming problems analyze different backtracking problems analyze different string matching algorithms. select appropriate problem solving strategies
Computer Organization and Architecture understand basic structure of computer. perform computer arithmetic operations. Ability to understand control unit operations. design memory organization that uses banks for different word size operations. understand the concept of cache mapping techniques. understand the concept of I/O organization. conceptualize instruction level parallelism.
Data Base Management systemshave the ability to reason logically. understand use of functions, graphs and trees in programming applications. understand use of groups and codes in Encoding-Decoding.. express recursive functions of other subjects like Data Structures as recurrence relation. get the idea of ACID properties used in transaction. They will get to understand the concept of deadlock handling and how it should be prevented or detected. get the idea of various techniques used for query optimization.
Theoretical Computer ScienceGet a conceptual understanding of the fundamentals of alphabets ,grammer languages. Develop an understanding of different types of turing machines and their applications. Classify and differentiate between the power and limitations of theoretical models of computations. Grasp the design of basic machines,regular expressions,deterministic and non deterministic machines. Understand the various problems including the halting problems and undecidability. Compare different types of languages and machines.
Computer GraphicsUnderstood basic concepts of computer graphics Acquired knowledge about drawing basic shapes such as lines, circle ellipse. Got basic knowledge of windowing and clipping. Acquired knowledge about Illumination Models and Surface Rendering Learnt about processing of basic shapes by various processing algorithms. Acquired knowledge about Color Models
Sem 5MicroprocessorUnderstand Processor Architecture. Create assembly language and mixed language programs for 8086 based system. Design system using memory chips and peripheral chips for 8086 microprocessor Illustrate techniques to improve performance of microprocessors. Distinguish between RISC and CISC
Operating SystemsUnderstand basic knowledge, functions and services of Operating system as system software Design functions and services and learn various scheduling algorithms. Identify the role of process synchronization towards increasing throughput of the system Solve the deadlock problems, resource allocation and apply various techniques. Analyze study and implementation of memory, I/O and file management. Recognize the various data structures used by different OS like Unix Linux and Windows 7
Structured and Object Oriented Analysis and Designunderstand and apply Techniques to get the System Requirements. understand and present System Requirement in standard format understand and Analyse Feasibility for System Requirements. understand and Model different System Requirements. design different Databases required for various Systems as per the needs of an Organisations. get the idea of various UML Diagrams.
Computer Networksdevelop an understanding of computer network, protocol, topology and the concept of OSI layers. conceptual understanding of the guided and unguided media. understand Flow control, error control, framing With the aloha and CSMA. understand the concept of Iv4 and IPv6 addresses, subletting with the routing algorithm. understand the concept of socket programming with the congestion control. understand the concept application layer services and SNMP.
Web TechnologiesUnderstand Processor Architecture. Create assembly language and mixed language programs for 8086 based system. Design system using memory chips and peripheral chips for 8086 microprocessor Illustrate techniques to improve performance of microprocessors. Distinguish between RISC and CISC
Sem 6System Programming and Compiler ConstructionUnderstand system program and application program. Learn the basics of assembler,compiler loader and macroprocessor. Understand different types of software tools. Study different phases of compiler. Implement different types of parsers. Apply different code optimization and generation techniques on given code.
Software Engineeringget a conceptual understanding of the Software engineering, Software processing models and Metrics develop an understanding of different types of Cost estimation Models and the software scheduling and Planning develop and understanding of Risk management and software configuration management with version and change control grasp the design of software and understand the concept of software architecture and user interface design with Software quality assurance and quality metrics understand the concept of Black box, white box and oo testing. understand the concept of software maintenance and reverse engineering with web engineering and TDD process
Distributed Databasesget the idea of distributed database systems, issues in designing,and architectures of DDB get the idea about fragmentation, allocation and various transparencies in Distributed Database design get an idea of transaction management, concurrency control and various algorithms for concurrency control in distributed database. understand Deadlock detection techniques, prevention, and avoidance and recovery protocols in distributed database systems. get acquainted with phases of distributed query processing and global query optimization algorithms. get an idea of Heterogeneous database architecture and various issues in heterogeneous databases. execute Xquery on XML database file and get idea about various applications of XML in distributed database systems.
Mobile Communication and ComputingUnderstand GSM and CDMA cellular architecture Design and configure wireless access points Use network simulator tool to simulate mobile network. Implement small android based application. Understand basics of wireless local area networks Solve security issues in mobile computing.
Project ManagementDefine characteristics of a project Conceptualize IT project management Study and describe risk in environment and the management challenges for effective project management. Apply the project management principles across all phases of a project Implement different phases of IT projects. Demonstrate use of tools and techniques for the management of a project plan, monitor and controlling a project schedule and budget, tracking project progress.
Sem 7Digital Signal ProcessingUnderstand the concept of Discrete time Signal and perform signal manipulation. Perform classification of DT System and will be able to understand concept of IIR and FIR System. Evaluate DFT and analyze the properties of DFT. Calculate DFT using FFT Flowgraph. Understand Fast DFT Algorithms. Understand the concept of DSP Processor and real time DSP Applications.
Cryptography and System Securityunderstand a variety of generic security threats and vulnerabilities, identify and analyze particular security problems for a given application understand the principles and practices of basic and advanced cryptographic techniques and its classifications. understand the various symmetric key cryptographic techniques, their design and modes of operations along with their applications. understand the various public key cryptographic techniques, their design and modes of operations along with their applications. distinguish between their original data and any modified or corrupted data during transmission through a network using Cryptographic hash functions. understand the various publicly available authentication protocols and their real time applications. create an awareness among themselves about individual and organizational security while communicating within or outside a network with the help of firewalls, IDS, passwords, etc.
Artificial Intelligencedevelop a basic understanding of AI building blocks presented in intelligent agents Understand working of different types of agents and environments. Solve problems using different search strategies and reasoning and apply different learning algorithms to solve problems Infer and explain knowledge and reasoning in uncertain domain and different methods of learning. Develop a plan for a given search problem to design and develop the AI applications Evaluate applications of expert system and NLP.
Software ArchitectureUnderstand the architectural concepts ,importance and role of software architecture Recognize major software architectural styles, design patterns and framework Analyze Components and different types of Connectors ,their role in software architecture Understand the modeling techniques and types of analysis for a problem and selection among them Implement software architecture using different frameworks Design software architecture for non-functional and domain specific software systems
Sem 8Data Warehouse and MiningGet an idea of designing data warehouse for a given organization Extract meaningful data from large database Understand the concepts of applying and implementing algorithms Identify which algorithm to use for efficient results Learn various data mining techniques Implement algorithms for decision making strategies
Human Machine InteractionKnowledge of basic building blocks of human machine interaction design user centric interfaces. design innovative and user friendly interfaces. apply HMI in their day-to-day activities. criticize existing interface designs, and improve them. Design application for social and technical task.
Parallel and distributed SystemsApply the principles and concept in analyzing and designing the parallel and distributed system Gain knowledge on the challenges and opportunities faced by parallel and distributed systems. Understand the middleware technologies that support distributed applications such as RPC, RMI and object based middleware. Improve the performance and reliability of distributed and parallel programs. Study the concepts of resource and process management.
Digital Forensicunderstand the basic definitions and focus on the procedures for identification, preservation and extraction of electronic evidences and the evidence gathering methodology focus on the auditing and investigation of network and host based evidences. analyze and document the information gathered and prepare a testimonial evidence and also analyze the challenges in evidence handling. experience a hands-on environment of forensic tools and resources. understand the various system requirements for system administrators and forensic analystsand also understand the process of forensic duplication. differentiate between the various possible attacks on a host or network based device and how to investigate such a live system and the various laws against cyber-crime.
  • Achievements by Staff
  • Presented a paper entitled "Biometric Keyless Car Unlocking System" in the event "MULTICON" in March - 2018

  • Published a paper entitled "Mobile Data Encryption & Decryption Application Based On Cloud" in "" in March - 2017

  • Published a paper entitled "Cutomer Relationship Management Based Customized System Development" in "IJCST" in - 2017

  • Published a paper entitled "People Safty App Belife" in "IJCST" in February - 2017

  • Students Achievements
  • Namrata Kadam won 1 St Prize in the event Universal Intercollege Technical Paper Presentation held at Universal College Of Engineering in 2017

  • Namrata Kadam won 2nd Prize in the event Intercollege Personality Pagaent held at Tima , Lions Club Of Tarapur in 2017

  • Umesh Yadav won 1 St Prize in the event National 3d Gamedesigning Championship held at Iit Bombay in 2015

Departmental Gallery

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